Episode 1
airdate: 2 june 00
The series begins with Cubby Creature Brian Weaver
reading from the Cubby Bible; Huck Forest
introduces keyboard-playing sidekick Mr. Fantastic; resident expert John Andren explains how to smoke
on an airplane; Reverend Myrtle Motivation delivers a rousing pro-Cubby sermon; the Smartest Girl in
San Francisco answers questions from inside a wicker cage; Huck screens the first installment of Max
Schiller's Waiting for Goodman.
Episode 2
airdate: 7 july 00
Cubby Creatures Brian Weaver and Jol make a call out to Kathy Barra, a former classmate they want
to apologize to; Rhoda,
"the apocryphal sister of the Virgin Mary," offers tips for better living; Huck screens Rebecca
Haycox's Megathlon; ambitious amoebas plot to infiltrate Huckıs body and conquer the human
species; a man from the audience attacks Huck; Myrtle comforts the assembly; Max Schiller introduces
episode two of his Waiting for Goodman, only to be rudely interrupted.
Episode 3
airdate: 4 august 00
Huck and train aficionado Terry set out to visit the Randall Museum;
theyıre joined by Jo-Jo the Castro Dance Maestro and Chanel, Huckıs self-declared "biggest fan";
the amoebas inside Huck's body plan to multiply; at the Randall, itıs Junior Engineer Day, so Huck
talks to train enthusiasts while the gang is treated to a demonstration of the museum's model
railroad; Huck rescreens episode two of Max Schillerıs Waiting for Goodman.
Episode 4: a new hope
airdate: 1 september 00
It is a bleak period for the artist in San Francisco, and with a national election just months away, the Cubby Creatures form a new political party, with Huck
joining them in their search for the perfect
candidate; on the streets of the Mission, they encounter
a waiter, a homeless Canadian, a gay cyclist called Marck, and Irene and Colleen, two representatives
of the Mission's Irish roots; the Reverend Myrtle and independent filmmaker Max Schiller join the
quest, and Jo-Jo the Castro Dance Maestro and his dancer Coco treat the gang to a dance number;
Myrtle leads the faithful in a prayer for divine intervention; Rhoda appears at Cubby Control with
Ronald Bonemaker.
Episode 5
airdate: 6 october 00
Huck receives news of his imminent eviction from
the TV studio; Reverend Myrtle offers support; doctors Todd Spicer and Robin MacKenzie,
self-proclaimed stalker experts, advise Huck on how to deal with his stalker;
Huck's ex-wife Doreen Forest talks about her upcoming WB series, Nathan's Creek, and then
unveils surveillance-camera videotape of Huck at a leather fetish party; Cubby Party presidential
hopefuls Suzie Potsniff and Ronald Bonemaker talk up their campaign and answer phone-in questions
from home viewers; Bonemaker proposes his controversial "Dot-com Island" plan.
Episode 6
airdate: 3 november 00
With Reverend Myrtle taking the reins in studio, Huck hits
the campaign trail with Bonemaker, who's making a last-minute effort to reach the electorate, but
when the unthinkable happens, it's up to Brian Weaver to race against the clock in a desperate bid
to prevent the worst tragedy in Cubby history. The in-studio excitement includes bawdy tranny Pippi
Lovestocking, cubby aerobics with Kendra (including the first onscreen glimpse of Kathy Barra), and
Jol's living art piece, "2 Gays Kissing."
Episode 7
airdate: 3 december 00
Angry about the authorities' lack of response
to the assassination, Huck holds a "Bed-in for Justice." His bedside visitors and attendants include
Gerard Kaplan of the Student Activist Radio Network, Marck the Gay, Kathy Barra, Roderick the
publicist, and Renaldo, an amorous sock puppet who meets an untimely end.
Episode 8
airdate: 21 april 01
Max Schiller returns to promote Doreen's Nathan's Creek show, and Huck gets onscreen grooming
attention from Kenneth the stylist. Also featuring aerobics with Jo-Jo, motivation from Miss Myrtle
and musical guest Ral Partha.
Episode 9: the cloud 9 party
airdate: 16 june 01
When Huck throws a "dress to the nines" dinner party in Richmond, a toxic release from the
neighborhood chemical plant threatens to cloud the fun. Will the doom-and-gloom predictions of
tarot-reading neighbor Walker come true, or can Kathy Barra and her fabulous Putanesca sauce save
the day? Featuring Jon McDonald's "Over the Falls."
episode 10: (yuddlevision)
airdate: 15 sept 01
After the chemical release, Huck seeks information from Gary Snaugge, his friend at the plant; Doreen
seeks solace from Max Schiller, who's taken up with Asthmaa, a woman on the run from the Taliban; Max
seeks Jo-Jo's help in convincing Doreen to exploit the Richmond tragedy to promote Nathan's Creek;
Kcuh Tserof and the Council of Yuddle (represented by Spiro Vespe, Yuri Raspukin and Sir Realistic)
jam the Cubbyvision broadcast, unveiling their plan to contaminate the environment and taint the
cheese supply; Myrtle and Huck find Kathy Barra, who reveals what she saw at the chemical plant.
episode 11: all souls accounted for
airdate: 20 october 01
Doreen, Kathy Barra, Jo-Jo, Max Schiller, Marck the Gay and Tristy Taylor reflect on the September
11th tragedy; meanwhile, at Cubby Control, Mr. Fantastic and Brian Weaver focus on the more immediate
Yuddle situation; Rhoda shows up to advise the boys on their next move; Huck pays tribute to his
fallen hero; the cast of Nathan's Creek rehearses for "The Nathan's Creek Halloween Special."
episode 12: it's not you, it's me
airdate: 17 november 01
When Fantastic says goodbye to Cubbyvision, Huck leans on Myrtle, who helps plot a course for the
show's future; a body-fluid exchange with Huck causes local hipster Donna Delano to fall under the
influence of the power-hungry amoebas, whose nefarious Plan B has her scrambling to launch a boy band;
while Max spearheads the hunt for Fantastic's replacement, Donna drags the same shallow talent pool
for her Electric Shadows; Doreen nudges Nathan's Creek costar Jimmy toward a second career as a rock
star as she herself moves to reclaim a spot at the side of her former on- and offscreen costar--Huck.