I Feel Sick by Tim Bates ![]() |
I feel sick.� Fucking God Complex.�My God's dick is bigger than your God's dick and I have the right to kill everyone who don't believe in my God, cause that's part of believing in my God.�yippeee. Exterminate a Christian for Islam.�Oh wait - its kill a Nigger for Christ - right?�I get confused, hate is hate is hate is hate.�It's ugly no matter who is wearing it.� Try to be a peace maker, and prevent the backlash from lashing into the 'you look a bit Arabic' - you know its gonna happen.�ick.�I feel even more sick. there's nothing uglier than misplaced righteous indignation.� oh - wait, righteous indignation is�why so many folks hate the U.S, right?� yup -�misplaced righteous indignation sure is an ugly thang. eye for an eye make the whole world blind. I simply just do not *GET* it.�What?!�What is the point of endless violence for another 2000 years?�Do we really need to go there?�No terms - no demands - just death to the infidels.� WELL FUCK OFF !! ALL RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS CAN JUST PLAIN FUCK OFF!�GO AWAY!� THE REST OF US HAVE HAD IT!�WE DON'T NEED YOU TO TELL US WHO GOD IS!!� REALLY!! FUCK OFF - I TELL YA! - JUST FUCK THE HELL OFF!!!!!! Sorry, just hadda get that out.�Its a bit unnerving to not be�into the religion thing and have to deal with the people who are into the religion thing.�And - well admittedly - its hard not to look way down on the folks�who are making a big stink about something that you've determined to be an awful lot of bullshit.� While at the same time, this awful amount of bullshit is a festering sore on the ass of society.� While the sore ass of the world gears up for a retalitory strike I can't help�but to hear the fear and hate machines winding into high gear.�Lets get 'em back.�We'll show 'em.�Oh yeah, we'll show them.�I've never in my life been able to determine any single individual that I've grown to actually know - as "them".�Who the fuck is "them"?�I feel sick.�This can only get really bad.� Yup - there it is.�The unmistakable whine of the fear and hate machine winding into high gear.�Can you hear it? I'd like to hear the unmistakable but rarely heard sound of the forgiveness factory gearing up for high volume production.� Our world's history has been working hard on heaping�endless filth upon the�Mountain of Shameful Acts.�Every act of vegeance against any�stone of the Mountain of Shameful Acts, only piles another stone.�Every unspeakably deployable act only raises the mountain summit. Nobody has clean hands.�No Race, No Religion, No Body.� � If you think your particular race or�socio/religious group is completely free of all wrong doing to another�race or socio/religious group - be sure and take a closer look.� Then be sure and look at the ancestors even farther back.�You know, there isn't a time limit on this hate thing.� According to recent acts of vengeance, its my fault for: 1.� The whole Middle Ages European Crusades thing. 2.� The�early American attrocities against the�American Indians. 3.� The Slave�Trade and attrocities against all African Americans and anybody of African descent from now on. 4.� The Nazis�and all the nasty things they did.� These are my fault.�I wasn't yet born.�Never actually did anything even remotely�that terrible.�I have never participated in any behavior that is racially bigoted (I've been accused though - of course - being white means you're a racist).� � So dig into your history.�Anything - Anybody even remotely closely related to your race or religion - has done - is all your fault. Anybody - who it has been done to - can feel good about kicking your ass for vengeance.� The only lasting peace in the world must begin with each individual saying, "No, I will not bring grief to others."�Its just that simple.� Its just that complicated.� Don't get me wrong, I'm the turn the other cheek kinda cheer leader you may think. If its a "somebody done�me wrong" song then there needs to be a firm "stop doing me wrong" song response.�But again, the cycle goes on.�The mountain grows. Never fear, with the sound leadership we have in place, a wise, long-term, enduring solution will no doubt be found.� :^) Let those of you with a God pray real hard for the continuation of our species, and not the end of days.�Let those of you without a God fear for your lives.� Tim Bates |
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